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Victoria Cooper pensaba que su consumo de alcohol en la universidad era como los kamagra gold online de los demás. Shots en las fiestas, cervezas mientras jugaba al bowling. Tomaba más que otros y las resacas le hacían perder clases, pero así y todo pensaba que no tenía kamagra gold online ningún problema. “Según la imagen que tenía del alcoholismo —viejos embriagándose en un estacionamiento— yo pensaba que estaba bien”, dijo Cooper, que ahora está sobria y vive en Chapel Hill, Carolina del Norte. Esa imagen de quiénes son los que sufren de alcoholismo, transmitida por la cultura pop, era engañosa hace más de una década, cuando Cooper estaba en la universidad.

Y es aún menos kamagra gold online representativa hoy en día. Desde hace casi un siglo, las mujeres han ido cerrando la brecha de género en el consumo de alcohol, las borracheras y los trastornos que acarrea. Lo que antes era una proporción de 3 a 1, está más cerca de 1 a 1 a nivel mundial, según sugirió un análisis en 2016. Y los últimos datos de Estados Unidos, kamagra gold online de 2019, muestran que las mujeres en su adolescencia y sus 20 años informaron que bebían y se emborrachaban en tasas más altas que sus compañeros masculinos. En algunos casos, por primera vez desde que los investigadores comenzaron a medir este comportamiento.

Esta tendencia surge en paralelo a una mayor atención a la salud mental de las mujeres jóvenes, y a los investigadores les preocupa que los efectos a largo plazo de la pandemia de erectile dysfunction treatment puedan amplificar ambos patrones. €œNo se trata sólo de que las kamagra gold online mujeres beban más, sino de que se vean realmente afectadas por esto física y mentalmente”, afirmó Dawn Sugarman, psicóloga investigadora del Hospital McLean de Massachusetts, que ha estudiado la adicción en mujeres. Las investigaciones demuestran que la salud de las mujeres sufre como consecuencia del alcohol —enfermedades hepáticas, cardíacas y cáncer— más rápidamente que la de los hombres, incluso con niveles de consumo más bajos. Tal vez lo más preocupante sea que la creciente igualdad de género en el consumo de alcohol no se extiende al reconocimiento o tratamiento de los trastornos relacionados, señaló Sugarman. De manera que, aunque algunas mujeres beban más, es menos probable kamagra gold online que reciban la ayuda que necesitan.

En el caso de Cooper, el consumo de alcohol la llevó a abandonar la universidad de Carolina del Norte-Chapel Hill. Regresó a casa y pronto empezó a tomar uno o dos tragos de vodka cada kamagra gold online mañana antes de ir a trabajar, seguidos de dos tragos más en el almuerzo. Cuando intentó dejarlo por su cuenta, ya no pudo. Aunque la brecha de género en el consumo de alcohol se está reduciendo en todas las edades, las razones difieren. En el caso de los mayores de 26 años, las mujeres aumentan su consumo de alcohol más kamagra gold online rápidamente que los hombres.

Sin embargo, entre los adolescentes y los jóvenes adultos se observa un descenso general de este consumo. El descenso es simplemente más lento en el caso de las mujeres. Esto puede parecer un avance, según Aaron White, asesor científico del Instituto Nacional sobre el Abuso kamagra gold online del Alcohol y el Alcoholismo. Pero puede indicar problemas subyacentes de mayor envergadura. €œNos preocupa que, aunque haya menos gente bebiendo, muchos de los que beben podrían estar haciéndolo específicamente para intentar sobrellevar una situación”, señaló White.

€œY eso kamagra gold online es problemático”. Las investigaciones sugieren que las personas que beben para sobrellevar o hacer frente a algo —en lugar de beber por placer— tienen un mayor riesgo de desarrollar un trastorno por consumo de alcohol. Y aunque las razones de cada individuo para beber son diferentes, los estudios han encontrado que las mujeres son más propensas que los hombres a beber para hacer frente a un problema. Cooper contó que, durante la adolescencia, el kamagra gold online alcohol la ayudó a superar la ansiedad social. Luego fue agredida sexualmente, y surgió un nuevo patrón.

Beber para afrontar un trauma kamagra gold online. €œEs difícil salir de ese ciclo de vergüenza, bebida y abuso”, añadió Cooper. Cuando Victoria Cooper se inscribió en un programa de tratamiento en 2018, vio a otras mujeres de 20 años que luchaban contra el alcohol y las drogas. €œFue la primera kamagra gold online vez en mucho tiempo que no me sentí sola”, dijo.(Ferguson Menz) Estadísticamente, las mujeres tienen más probabilidades de sufrir abusos o agresiones sexuales en la infancia que los hombres. En los últimos años, estudios han revelado que los índices de depresión, ansiedad, trastornos alimenticios y suicidio aumentan entre las mujeres adolescentes y adultas jóvenes.

Eso podría explicar su consumo de alcohol, dijo White. Y las capas de estrés, el aislamiento y el trauma de erectile dysfunction treatment podrían kamagra gold online empeorar las cosas. Un estudio que analizó los efectos del alcohol en los universitarios, al principio de la pandemia, descubrió un mayor consumo de alcohol entre los que declaraban mayores niveles de estrés y ansiedad. Además, varios estudios descubrieron que las mujeres eran más propensas a reportar aumentos de este consumo durante la pandemia, especialmente si experimentaban un mayor estrés. €œPara abordar los problemas con el alcohol, también tenemos que abordar estos kamagra gold online problemas generalizados con la salud mental”, señaló White.

€œTodo está relacionado”. Es más, a pesar de las iniciales propiedades calmantes del alcohol, en realidad aumenta la ansiedad, y los estudios demuestran que causa daños cerebrales y puede conducir a la depresión más rápidamente en las mujeres que en los hombres. Cuando Gillian Tietz empezó a kamagra gold online beber en la universidad, descubrió que un vaso de vino le ayudaba a aliviar el estrés. Pero en cuanto el vaso se vaciaba, sus preocupaciones empeoraban. Al cabo de un año, empezó a beber a diario kamagra gold online.

Dijo que la ansiedad la mantenía despierta por la noche y empezó a tener pensamientos suicidas. Sólo cuando Tietz decidió dejar de beber por un tiempo, se dio cuenta de la conexión. De repente, los pensamientos suicidas kamagra gold online cesaron. €œEso hizo que la decisión de dejarlo fuera realmente poderosa”, explicó Tietz, de 30 años, que ahora conduce un podcast llamado Sober Powered. €œSupe claramente lo que me hacía el alcohol”.

Hasta los kamagra gold online años 90, la mayoría de las investigaciones sobre el alcohol se centraban en los hombres. Ahora, a medida que las mujeres se acercan a la paridad en los hábitos de consumo de alcohol, los científicos descubren más sobre los daños desiguales que el alcohol causa en sus cuerpos. Gillian Tietz empezó a beber en la universidad. Una copa de vino le ayudaba a kamagra gold online aliviar el estrés, pero cuando la copa estaba vacía, sus preocupaciones sólo empeoraban. Al cabo de un año, bebía a diario.(Gillian Tietz) Las mujeres suelen tener menos agua corporal, que disuelve el alcohol, que los hombres del mismo peso.

Esto significa que el mismo número de bebidas les lleva a tener mayores concentraciones de alcohol en la sangre, y sus tejidos corporales están expuestos a más alcohol. ¿El resultado? kamagra gold online. “Con un menor número de años de consumo de alcohol, las mujeres enferman más rápido”, afirmó Sugarman, del Hospital McLean. Tienen más riesgo de sufrir resacas, desmayos, enfermedades hepáticas, enfermedades cardiovasculares inducidas por kamagra gold online el alcohol y ciertos cánceres. Un estudio descubrió que las visitas a urgencias relacionadas con el alcohol entre 2006 y 2014 aumentaron un 70% en el caso de las mujeres, frente al 58% de los hombres.

Otro trabajo informó que la tasa de cirrosis relacionada con el alcohol de 2009 a 2015 aumentó un 50% para las mujeres, frente al 30% de los hombres. Sin embargo, cuando se trata kamagra gold online de la prevención y el tratamiento de los problemas de salud relacionados con el alcohol, “ese mensaje no se difunde como debería”, señaló Sugarman. Como parte de un estudio, Sugarman y sus colegas, dieron a las mujeres que luchaban contra el consumo de alcohol información sobre cómo el alcohol afecta a las mujeres de forma diferente a los hombres. Algunas participantes habían estado en desintoxicación 20 veces, pero nunca habían escuchado esta información, dijo Sugarman. La investigación de los colegas de Sugarman descubrió que las mujeres con trastorno por consumo de alcohol conseguían mejores resultados cuando estaban en grupos de tratamiento sólo para mujeres, que incluían un enfoque en la salud mental y el trauma, así como kamagra gold online educación sobre los elementos específicos de género de la adicción.

Para Cooper, inscribirse en un programa de tratamiento residencial de 90 días, en 2018, cambió drásticamente su propia percepción de quién está afectado por la adicción. Se encontró rodeada de otras mujeres de 20 años que también luchaban contra el alcohol y las drogas. €œFue la primera vez kamagra gold online en mucho tiempo que no me sentí sola”, expresó. En 2019, regresó a UNC-Chapel Hill y terminó su licenciatura en estudios de género, completando un proyecto sobre los vínculos entre la violencia sexual, el trauma y la adicción. Aunque los programas han ayudado a Cooper a mantenerse sobria durante 3 años y medio, dijo que una desventaja de esos esfuerzos es que a menudo están dominados por los hombres.

Literatura escrita por kamagra gold online hombres. Consejos dirigidos a los hombres. Ejemplos sobre hombres kamagra gold online. Cooper piensa volver a la universidad, este otoño, para hacer un máster en trabajo social, con el objetivo de trabajar para cambiar esto. Aneri Pattani.

apattani@kff.org, @aneripattani Related Topics kamagra gold online Contact Us Submit a Story TipPatty Bausch testified remotely before a Connecticut state legislative hearing on Feb. 23, 2021. (Connecticut General Assembly Aging Committee public hearing via YouTube) Patty Bausch isn’t a Medicaid expert, lawyer or medical professional. But she still thinks Connecticut legislators need her input when they consider bills affecting kamagra gold online people like her — the roughly 18,000 residents who live in the state’s nursing homes. With help and encouragement from Connecticut’s Long Term Care Ombudsman Program, Bausch signed up and testified remotely before a legislative hearing this year.

Nursing home residents who have been using digital technology to reach out to family and friends — after the erectile dysfunction treatment kamagra led officials to end visitation last year — could also use it to connect with elected officials once the legislature moved to remote hearings. Speaking into an iPad provided by the ombudsman’s kamagra gold online office, Bausch testified without ever leaving her room at the Newtown Rehabilitation &. Health Care Center, where she has lived since having a stroke three years ago. The combination of a virtual legislature and nursing home residents equipped with internet access has created an opportunity most nursing home residents rarely have — to participate in their government up close and in real time. After Bausch signed in to watch kamagra gold online the hearing, a committee clerk signaled when her turn was next.

She had the spotlight and just three minutes to make her point. €œAt first it was a little intimidating because you kamagra gold online want to make sure you don’t say the wrong thing,” said Bausch, who never testified before. The feeling quickly passed when she looked down at her notes. She explained why she supported a $12.50 raise in the $60 monthly allowance the state provides Medicaid residents to pay for personal items, such as toiletries, phone bills or even a greeting card. Her words reflected experience few kamagra gold online other witnesses offered.

€œI know what it’s like to have no money,” she said later. €œI live it.” After visitors were banned last year, the ombudsman program, a federal- and state-funded consumer advocate for nursing home residents, and the state public health department distributed tablets for virtual visits with relatives and friends. The ombudsman bought theirs using federal aid and the state agency provided 800 kamagra gold online tablets to nursing home residents last year using money collected from fines the nursing homes paid to settle health and safety violations. Mairead Painter, Connecticut’s long-term care ombudsman, frequently advises legislators and testifies at hearings, but she also urges residents to speak for themselves. €œI think that people underestimate the abilities that individuals have because of the [institutional] setting where they receive their long-term services and support,” said Painter.

€œYour opinions don’t go away because you had some sort of a medical event.” And not all residents are extremely elderly, frail or unable to communicate kamagra gold online. €œFor years, nursing homes were thought to be a place where people go to die,” said Jeanette Sullivan-Martinez, who has lived at the Pendleton Health &. Rehabilitation Center in Mystic, Connecticut, since 2008. €œBut now these are places where people go to live to the best that they possibly can.” kamagra gold online She has testified in person and virtually as president of the Statewide Coalition of Presidents of Resident Councils. She has multiple sclerosis, limited movement in her arms and hands and is unable to walk.

When she testified in person kamagra gold online in 2019, she was accompanied by a nursing aide and made the hour-long trek to Hartford and back in a van that could accommodate her wheelchair. The ombudsman’s office covered her expenses. Jeanette Sullivan-Martinez testified remotely before a Connecticut state legislative hearing on March 25, 2021.(Connecticut General Assembly Human Services Committee public hearing via YouTube) Before the lockdown, some people might have been able to testify over the telephone or submit written comments, but the only way to be seen and heard was to register in advance, travel to the capital, make your way to the hearing room and then wait your turn. Since everyone who signs up is allowed to speak, you could be waiting several hours, said Anna kamagra gold online Doroghazi, Connecticut AARP’s advocacy director, who works closely with legislators and their staffs. But when Sullivan-Martinez testified using her tablet this year, all she needed was someone to help her connect to the hearing from her nursing home room.

With several dozen witnesses scheduled before her, she also made sure it was plugged in so the battery wouldn’t run down during the long wait. €œI am thrilled that I have the opportunity to use my voice for myself kamagra gold online as well as for all of those other residents living in nursing homes that I represent, to be able to have a voice on issues that affect us,” she said. The ombudsman’s website has a special “advocacy center” page to help residents and their families keep up with the latest legislative action and tips for participating in the law-making process. During Painter’s regular Facebook chats with residents and their families, she provides updates on pending legislation and other news. In response to questions, she reviews the ins and outs kamagra gold online of virtual legislative hearings.

Doroghazi also has hosted a virtual intensive boot camp for resident council presidents about what legislators want to hear and how to tell their stories. So far this year, nursing home residents have testified in support of legislation to improve staffing levels, create a designated “essential support person” with special visitation privileges, and allow “technology of their choice” in their rooms to communicate with whomever they wish, among other proposals. The latter passed unanimously in both chambers, said Doroghazi, “and we expect kamagra gold online the governor to sign it into law.” Rep. Anne Hughes, vice chair of the Joint Committee on Aging who also works in a nursing home as a social worker, said she would like the option for virtual testimony to be permanent. A bill to kamagra gold online do that has been introduced.

Committees or public agencies holding hearings would be required to accept testimony from members of nursing home councils and family councils “in a manner and format that provides for the greatest input … via technology with audio or video capabilities.” “The erectile dysfunction treatment kamagra has definitely opened the way we do the people’s business,” said Hughes. Susan Jaffe. Jaffe.KHN@gmail.com, @SusanJaffe Related Topics Contact Us Submit a Story TipWhen a filmmaker asked medical historian Naomi Rogers to appear in a documentary, the Yale professor kamagra gold online didn’t blink. She had done these “talking head” interviews many times before. She assumed her comments would end up in a straightforward documentary that addressed some of the most pressing concerns of the kamagra, such as the legacy of racism in medicine and how that plays into current mistrust in some communities of color.

The subject of treatments was also mentioned, but the focus wasn’t kamagra gold online clear to Rogers. The director wanted something more polished than a Zoom call, so a well-outfitted camera crew arrived at Rogers’ home in Connecticut last fall. They showed up wearing masks and gloves. Before the interview, crew members cleaned kamagra gold online the room thoroughly. Then they spent about an hour interviewing Rogers.

She discussed her research and in particular controversial figures such as Dr. James Marion Sims, who was influential in the field of gynecology but who performed experimental surgery on enslaved Black women during the 1800s without kamagra gold online anesthesia. €œWe were talking about issues of racism and experimentation, and they seemed to be handled appropriately,” Rogers recalled. At the time, there were few indications that anything kamagra gold online was out of the ordinary — except one. During a short break, she asked who else was being interviewed for the film.

The producer’s response struck Rogers as curiously vague. €œThey said, ‘Well, there’s ‘a guy’ in New York, and kamagra gold online we talked to ‘somebody in New Jersey, and California,'” Rogers told NPR. €œI thought it’s so odd that they wouldn’t tell me who these people were.” It wasn’t until March that Rogers would stumble upon the answer. She received an email from a group called Children’s Health Defense — prominent in the anti-treatment movement — promoting its new film, “Medical Racism. The New Apartheid.” When she clicked on the link and began watching the 57-minute film, she was shocked to kamagra gold online discover this was the movie she had sat down for back in October.

€œI was naive, certainly, in assuming that this was actually a documentary, which I would say it is not. I think that it is an advocacy piece for anti-vaxxers,” Rogers said. €œI’m still very kamagra gold online angry. I feel that I was used.” The free online film is the latest effort by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the founder of Children’s Health Defense.

(He’s a son of former kamagra gold online U.S. Attorney General Robert “Bobby” Kennedy and nephew of President John F. Kennedy.) With this film, Kennedy and his allies in the anti-treatment movement resurface and promote disproven claims about the kamagra gold online dangers of treatments, while aiming squarely at a specific demographic. Black Americans. The film draws a line from the real and disturbing history of racism and atrocities in the medical field — such as the Tuskegee syphilis study — to interviews with anti-treatment activists who warn communities of color to be suspicious of modern-day treatments.

At one point in “Medical Racism,” viewers are warned kamagra gold online that “in Black communities something is very sinister” and “the same thing that happened in the 1930s during the eugenics movement” is happening again. There is a lengthy discussion of the thoroughly disproven link between autism and treatments. For example, the film references a study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about the measles, mumps and rubella treatment and autism rates as evidence that African American children are being particularly harmed, but in reality the study did not conclude that African Americans are at increased risk of autism because of vaccination. The movie then displays a chart claiming to use that same CDC data — obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request — to make a connection between vaccinating Black children and kamagra gold online autism risk. The findings in the chart closely resemble another study sometimes mentioned by anti-treatment activists, but the medical journal later retracted the study, because of “undeclared competing interests on the part of the author” and “concerns about the validity of the methods and statistical analysis.” (That study’s author was a paid independent contractor for Kennedy’s group as of 2020 and sits on its board of directors.) The film also brings up a 2014 study from the Mayo Clinic that showed Somali Americans and African Americans have a more robust immune response to the rubella treatment than Caucasians and Hispanic Americans.

One of those interviewed in Kennedy’s film then asks, “So if you have that process that could be caused by treatments, why wouldn’t there be a link between treatments and developmental delays?. € But the study’s author, kamagra gold online leading treatment researcher Dr. Gregory Poland, said this conjecture is not accurate. According to a statement provided to NPR by the Mayo Clinic, the study demonstrated “higher protective immune responses in African-American subjects with no evidence of increased treatment side effects,” and any claim of “‘increased vulnerability’ among African-Americans who receive the rubella treatment is simply not supported by either this study or the science.” For her part, Rogers, the Yale professor, appears for only about 14 seconds in the film. Her quotes are kamagra gold online accurate.

But her remarks are embedded in a wider narrative that she has “enormous problems with” — namely that the anti-treatment movement is heroically engaged in a new civil rights campaign, one meant to stop experimentation on the Black community. Rogers said the film uses many ideas she holds “passionately, like health disparities, fighting racism in health, working against kamagra gold online discrimination, and it’s been twisted for the purposes of this anti-vax movement.” Another credible expert from mainstream medicine also appears in the film. Dr. Oliver Brooks, the immediate past president of the National Medical Association. The group is the largest organization kamagra gold online representing African American physicians in the United States.

Brooks said he agreed to be in the film because he wanted to provide balance, but after seeing it he regrets doing the interview. €œThe crux of the documentary is generally ‘Don’t get vaccinated,'” Brooks told NPR in a recent interview. €œThere is an understandable concern in the African American community regarding treatments — however, in the end, my position is you look past those, have an understanding of kamagra gold online those and still get vaccinated. €¦ That nuance was not felt or presented in the documentary.” Kennedy’s group released the film in early March, just as the erectile dysfunction treatment was becoming widely available to the American public. €œThe film basically wants people to recognize this history that leads right into the present, and especially when they’re facing decisions about whether they should take any treatment, including erectile dysfunction treatment,” said Curtis Cost, one of the film’s co-producers and a longtime anti-treatment activist.

Cost said the film does not explicitly tell people to refuse the erectile dysfunction treatment, but it “goes all the way to the present experimentations and bad things have been done by the medical establishment in America and in Africa and other parts of the world.” In an emailed statement, a spokesperson for Children’s Health Defense denied that the film is misinformation and said it contains “peer reviewed science and historical data.” But the movie is “a classic example of the anti-treatment industry with a highly targeted message using sophisticated marketing techniques and building alliances with affiliate organizations,” said Imran Ahmed, CEO of the nonprofit Center for Countering kamagra gold online Digital Hate, which has extensively researched figures such as Kennedy. €œThey’ve seen the opportunity to target a specifically African American audience,” he said, during a particular moment of heightened national attention on racial injustices and health disparities. Black Americans have twice the risk of dying of erectile dysfunction treatment compared with white Americans. Racial disparities in vaccination uptake persist across the kamagra gold online United States. While there are efforts to improve access to the treatment, media coverage has also focused heavily on historical reasons for treatment skepticism — too much, some scholars argue, when the focus should be on how Black Americans experience the impact of systemic racism in health care today — and how to fix those problems and improve trust.

€œWe’re in this moment kamagra gold online where we’re having some necessary discussions about health equity,” said Victor Agbafe, a medical student at the University of Michigan. €œIt’s not a good thing to sort of exploit that as a means to undermine trust in the treatment today, instead of focusing on how we can make the treatment more accessible for all communities.” Agbafe, who helps lead his school’s Black medical student association, was surprised to get an email from Children’s Health Defense asking him to promote the movie among his peers. When it was released, the film did not seem to gain much traction on major social media platforms such as Twitter, although tracking how often this kind of video is being shared privately can be difficult, said Kolina Koltai, a University of Washington researcher who studies the anti-treatment movement online. But Kennedy’s anti-treatment kamagra gold online activities during the kamagra involve more than this movie. In February, he was banned from Instagram for posting misinformation on treatments, but he still has a home on Facebook and Twitter.

Ahmed’s organization has labeled Kennedy one of the “disinformation dozen” — a group of people responsible for 65% of the shares of anti-treatment misinformation on social media platforms. In a recent webinar about the film, Kennedy said those who kamagra gold online agree with the film need to use “the tools of advocacy that Martin Luther King Jr. Talked about” and promote it “guerrilla-style” against the “darkening cloud of totalitarianism.” Although more than half of American adults have gotten a erectile dysfunction treatment, demand is falling fast, and polls show almost one-third of adults still either want to “wait and see” or do not want to get the shot. When asked why, many say the treatment is unsafe, based on false conspiracy theories. €œI see the downstream ripple effects of disinformation every day in practice, kamagra gold online every day in the patients’ lives I treat,” said Dr.

Atul Nakhasi with the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services and co-founder of the online campaign #ThisIsOurShot, which aims to encourage trust in the erectile dysfunction treatments. €œWe know people have uncertainties, and we need to acknowledge that and have humble, respectful conversations, but for someone to actively subvert that trust is unconscionable,” Nakhasi said. According to the Center for Countering kamagra gold online Digital Hate, the ideal strategy for stopping the spread of online misinformation is to cut it off at the source. Meaning “deplatform” the most notorious spreaders of that information so they can’t gain a following on social media in the first place. But Ahmed said that all too often tech companies don’t take those kamagra gold online steps themselves.

In that case, the next best tactic is to try to “inoculate” people against false and misleading claims. €œYou tell people in advance, ‘Hey, something terrible is happening. Be careful — they’re targeting you,'” kamagra gold online Ahmed said. This story is from a reporting partnership between NPR and KHN. Related Topics Contact Us Submit a Story TipVictoria Cooper thought her drinking habits in college were just like everyone else’s.

Shots at parties kamagra gold online. Beers while bowling. Sure, she got more refills than some and missed classes while nursing hangovers, but she couldn’t have a problem, she thought. “Because of what my kamagra gold online picture of alcoholism was — old men who brown-bagged it in a parking lot — I thought I was fine,” said Cooper, now sober and living in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. That common image of who is affected by alcohol disorders, echoed throughout pop culture, was misleading over a decade ago when Cooper was in college.

And it’s even less representative today. For nearly a century, women have been kamagra gold online closing the gender gap in alcohol consumption, binge-drinking and alcohol use disorder. What was previously a 3-1 ratio for risky drinking habits in men versus women is closer to 1-to-1 globally, a 2016 analysis of several studies suggested. And the kamagra gold online latest U.S. Data from 2019 shows that women in their teens and early 20s reported drinking and getting drunk at higher rates than their male peers — in some cases for the first time since researchers began measuring such behavior.

This trend parallels the rise in mental health concerns among young women, and researchers worry the long-term effects of the erectile dysfunction treatment kamagra could amplify both patterns. €œIt’s not only that we’re seeing women drinking more, but that they’re really being affected by this physically and mental kamagra gold online health-wise,” said Dawn Sugarman, a research psychologist at McLean Hospital in Massachusetts who has studied addiction in women. When Victoria Cooper enrolled in a treatment program in 2018, she saw other women in their 20s struggling with alcohol and other drugs. €œIt was the first time in a very long time that I had not felt alone,” she says. (Ferguson Menz) Research shows women suffer health consequences of kamagra gold online alcohol — liver disease, heart disease and cancer — more quickly than men and even at lower levels of consumption.

Perhaps most concerning is that the rising gender equality in alcohol use doesn't extend to the recognition or treatment of alcohol disorders, Sugarman said. So even as some women drink more, they're often less likely to get the help they need. In Cooper’s kamagra gold online case, drinking eventually led her to drop out of college at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. She moved back home and was soon taking a shot or two of vodka each morning before heading to the office for her finance job, followed by two at lunch. When she tried to quit on her own, she was quickly pulled back by the disease.

€œThat's when I kamagra gold online got scared, when I tried to not drink and only made it two days,” said Cooper, now 30. €œI was drinking for survival, basically.” Drinking to Cope Although the gender gap in alcohol consumption is narrowing among all ages, the reasons differ. For people over kamagra gold online 26, women are increasing their alcohol consumption faster than men. Among teens and young adults, however, there’s an overall decline in drinking. The decline is simply slower for women.

That may sound like progress, said Aaron White, a senior scientific adviser at kamagra gold online the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. But it may indicate larger underlying issues. €œWe have a real concern that while there might be fewer people drinking, many of those who are drinking might be doing so specifically to try to cope,” White said. €œAnd that is problematic.” Research suggests that people who drink to cope — as opposed to kamagra gold online drinking for pleasure — have a higher risk of developing alcohol-use disorder. And while every individual’s reasons for drinking are different, studies have found women are more likely to drink to cope than men.

In Cooper’s teenage years, alcohol helped her overcome social anxiety, she said. Then she was sexually assaulted, and a new kamagra gold online pattern emerged. Drink to deal with trauma. Experience new trauma while drinking. Repeat.

€œIt’s hard to get out of that cycle of shame, drinking and abuse,” Cooper said. Women are statistically more likely to experience childhood abuse or sexual assault than men. In recent years, studies have found rates of depression, anxiety, eating disorders and suicide are climbing among teenaged and young adult women. That could be driving their alcohol use, White said. And the layers of stress, isolation and trauma from erectile dysfunction treatment could make things worse.

One study that looked at alcohol's effects on college students early in the kamagra found increased alcohol use among those who reported higher levels of stress and anxiety. And several studies found women were more likely to report rises in drinking during the kamagra, especially if they experienced increased stress. €œFor us to address issues with alcohol, we also need to address these pervasive issues with mental health,” White said. €œThey are all related.” What’s more, despite alcohol’s temporary calming properties, it actually increases anxiety, and studies show it causes brain damage and may be lead to depression more quickly in women than in men. Gillian Tietz began drinking in graduate school.

A glass of wine would help ease her stress ― but when the glass was empty, her concerns only worsened. Within a year, she was drinking daily. (Gillian Tietz) When Gillian Tietz began drinking in graduate school, she found a glass of wine helped ease her stress. But as soon as the glass emptied, her concerns worsened. Within a year, she began drinking daily.

Anxiety kept her up at night and she started having suicidal thoughts, she said. It was only when Tietz took a brief reprieve from alcohol that she noticed the connection. Suddenly, the suicidal thoughts stopped. €œThat made the decision to quit really powerful,” said Tietz, 30, who now hosts a podcast called Sober Powered. €œI knew exactly what alcohol did to me.” Rising Risks.

From Hangovers to Cancer Until the 1990s, most research on alcohol focused on men. Now, as women approach parity in drinking habits, scientists are uncovering more about the unequal damage alcohol causes to their bodies. Women generally have less body water, which dissolves alcohol, than men of the same weight. That means the same number of drinks leads to higher concentrations of alcohol in the blood, and their body tissues are exposed to more alcohol per drink. The result?.

“From less years of alcohol use, women are getting sicker faster,” said Sugarman, of McLean Hospital. They’re at greater risk for hangovers, blackouts, liver disease, alcohol-induced cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers. One study found alcohol-related visits to the emergency room from 2006 to 2014 increased 70% for women, compared with 58% for men. Another paper reported that the rate of alcohol-related cirrhosis rose 50% for women, versus 30% for men, from 2009 to 2015. Yet when it comes to prevention and treatment of alcohol-related health issues, “that message is not really getting out there,” Sugarman said.

As part of a research study, Sugarman and her colleagues gave women struggling with alcohol use information on how alcohol affects women differently than men. Some participants had been in detox 20 times yet had never heard this information, Sugarman said. Research from Sugarman’s colleagues found that women with alcohol use disorder had better outcomes when they were in women-only treatment groups, which included a focus on mental health and trauma, as well as education about gender-specific elements of addiction. For Cooper, enrolling in a 90-day residential treatment program in 2018 drastically changed her own perception of who is affected by addiction. She found herself surrounded by other women in their 20s who also struggled with alcohol and other drugs.

€œIt was the first time in a very long time that I had not felt alone,” she said. In 2019, she returned to UNC-Chapel Hill and finished her degree in women’s and gender studies, even completing a capstone project on the links among sexual violence, trauma and addiction. Although 12-step programs have helped Cooper stay sober for 3½ years now, she said, a downside to those efforts is that they are often male-dominated. Literature written by men. Advice geared toward men.

Examples about men. Cooper plans to return to school this fall for a master’s in social work, with the goal of working to change that. Aneri Pattani. apattani@kff.org, @aneripattani Related Topics Contact Us Submit a Story Tip.

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For more information, please contact:Jennifer de Vallancejdevallance@mathematica-mpr.com202-484-4692Mathematica is committed to advancing public health by applying our expertise across disciplines that constitute some of the most critical areas of public health today. The following focus areas highlight how we’re working to progress together to improve public well-being.APHA Public Health Film Festival. Helping Families Affected by Substance UseThe APHA selected a short film that Mathematica produced with support from the Administration for Children and Families to show at the APHA Public Health Film Festival.

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Please visit APHA’s page about public health films focusing on substance use and addiction treatment for more information. Diversity, Equity, and InclusionWhat does it take for organizations to progress together?. It takes a common purpose, shared values, a complementary array of resources and capabilities, and a mutual desire to learn from and with each other.

Our ongoing diversity, equity, and inclusion journey is driving necessary changes in who we are. How we relate to each other, our partners, and our communities. And how we approach our work.

Social Determinants of HealthPolicymakers and practitioners are increasingly interested in social determinants of health—the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age—to address upstream social risks, such as food insecurity and lack of affordable housing, that, in turn, improve health care outcomes. Mathematica data and policy experts recently produced a series of blog posts and research on how different stakeholders can improve and leverage data on social determinants of health to maximize the health and well-being of children and adults in the United States.erectile dysfunction treatment ServicesResponding to the current public health crisis and illuminating the path forward to safely re-open businesses, schools, workplaces, and community services requires a seasoned partner with trusted solutions. Built on our foundation of rigorous data and evidence, Mathematica’s scalable services provide state and local agencies, as well as private-sector employers, with the confidence and clarity they need to take on the complex challenges of erectile dysfunction treatment.

Some of our services include contact tracing, workforce planning, modeling and forecasting, and wastewater testing and analysis.Data Analytics and Survey ExpertiseAt Mathematica, we apply our expertise at the intersection of data science and social science to produce efficient, high quality, and action-oriented analysis that advances your mission.Using advanced technologies, reusable and scalable platforms, and high-performance secure cloud infrastructure, we enable our partners to target areas of opportunity and make the most of their data. We collect the data you need, manage data as a secure asset, analyze to surface insights, and place this knowledge in the hands of those who need it most.Mental Health and Substance UseMathematica understands the pressing challenges faced by our partners working to improve the delivery system, innovative value-based service models, and financing strategies that states and payers are testing—strategies that could improve the prevention and treatment of behavioral health conditions. We’re leading efforts to address the opioid crisis, increase access to care while controlling costs, and support the integration of behavioral health services with other health care and social services.Our staff have in-depth knowledge of the complex array of intersecting public and private programs and eligibility requirements that create challenges for consumers to get the help they need.

Our work involves evaluating a wide range of behavioral health service delivery and payment models, helping partners establish programs that implement new services and policies and fill data gaps, fielding large-scale behavioral health surveys, developing and implementing behavioral health quality measures, and analyzing policy to guide decision making. For more than two decades, we’ve conducted national surveys of every known mental health and substance use disorder treatment facility in the country. Our analyses of T-MSIS data for the Centers for Medicare &.

Medicaid Services provide critical information on patterns of substance use disorders and treatment across states as evidenced by the T-MSIS Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Data Book and a series of supporting data quality briefs..

As part of our ongoing commitment to http://garromuirkennels.co.uk/boarding-prices/ prioritizing healing and humanity as we stand against social injustice, Mathematica is pleased to announce that President and CEO Paul Decker is joining more than 1,300 kamagra gold online CEOs and business leaders as a member of CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion™. This coalition represents the largest CEO-driven business commitment to advancing workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion, while working to ensure opportunity at the highest levels of corporate leadership.“During a time when the nation continues to be tested by unresolved issues of social justice, Mathematica has taken significant strides toward centering diversity, equity, and inclusion in our interactions with each other and in our approach to our work,” said Decker. €œToday, we’re taking another kamagra gold online important step forward by joining CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion, an organization that unites business leaders from around the world to advance DEI initiatives in our own workplaces and beyond. I’m honored to represent Mathematica in this coalition fighting for meaningful change.”CEO Action represents approximately 13 million employees across more than 85 industries. As a member through its CEO, Mathematica has committed to dedicating time and resources to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion both within Mathematica and as part of the CEO Action network.

Decker has also taken the CEO Action pledge to “check my bias, speak up for others and show up for all.”A 100% employee-owned company, Mathematica works with private- and public-sector agencies, corporations, and foundations around the world, using data and evidence to improve the lives of people and communities kamagra gold online. About CEO Action for Diversity &. Inclusion™ CEO Action for Diversity &. Inclusion™ is the largest CEO-driven business commitment to advance diversity and inclusion within the workplace kamagra gold online. Bringing together more than 1,000 CEOs of America’s leading organizations, the commitment outlines actions that participating companies pledge to take to cultivate a workplace where diverse perspectives and experiences are welcomed and respected, employees feel comfortable and encouraged to discuss diversity and inclusion, and where best known—and successful—actions can be shared across organizations.

Learn more at CEOAction.com and connect with them on Twitter. @CEOAction. For more information, please contact:Jennifer de Vallancejdevallance@mathematica-mpr.com202-484-4692Mathematica is committed to advancing public health by applying our expertise across disciplines that constitute some of the most critical areas of public health today. The following focus areas highlight how we’re working to progress together to improve public well-being.APHA Public Health Film Festival. Helping Families Affected by Substance UseThe APHA selected a short film that Mathematica produced with support from the Administration for Children and Families to show at the APHA Public Health Film Festival.

The film focuses on how the Regional Partnership Grant program improves the safety, permanency, and well-being of children affected by parent’s substance use disorders. Starting October 19, registered APHA Annual Meeting attendees can watch the film on demand. Registered attendees can also submit questions to Debra Strong a senior researcher for the Regional Partnership Grant National Cross-Site Evaluation, using a discussion board that will be available with the film. Please visit APHA’s page about public health films focusing on substance use and addiction treatment for more information. Diversity, Equity, and InclusionWhat does it take for organizations to progress together?.

It takes a common purpose, shared values, a complementary array of resources and capabilities, and a mutual desire to learn from and with each other. Our ongoing diversity, equity, and inclusion journey is driving necessary changes in who we are. How we relate to each other, our partners, and our communities. And how we approach our work. Social Determinants of HealthPolicymakers and practitioners are increasingly interested in social determinants of health—the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age—to address upstream social risks, such as food insecurity and lack of affordable housing, that, in turn, improve health care outcomes.

Mathematica data and policy experts recently produced a series of blog posts and research on how different stakeholders can improve and leverage data on social determinants of health to maximize the health and well-being of children and adults in the United States.erectile dysfunction treatment ServicesResponding to the current public health crisis and illuminating the path forward to safely re-open businesses, schools, workplaces, and community services requires a seasoned partner with trusted solutions. Built on our foundation of rigorous data and evidence, Mathematica’s scalable services provide state and local agencies, as well as private-sector employers, with the confidence and clarity they need to take on the complex challenges of erectile dysfunction treatment. Some of our services include contact tracing, workforce planning, modeling and forecasting, and wastewater testing and analysis.Data Analytics and Survey ExpertiseAt Mathematica, we apply our expertise at the intersection of data science and social science to produce efficient, high quality, and action-oriented analysis that advances your mission.Using advanced technologies, reusable and scalable platforms, and high-performance secure cloud infrastructure, we enable our partners to target areas of opportunity and make the most of their data. We collect the data you need, manage data as a secure asset, analyze to surface insights, and place this knowledge in the hands of those who need it most.Mental Health and Substance UseMathematica understands the pressing challenges faced by our partners working to improve the delivery system, innovative value-based service models, and financing strategies that states and payers are testing—strategies that could improve the prevention and treatment of behavioral health conditions. We’re leading efforts to address the opioid crisis, increase access to care while controlling costs, and support the integration of behavioral health services with other health care and social services.Our staff have in-depth knowledge of the complex array of intersecting public and private programs and eligibility requirements that create challenges for consumers to get the help they need.

Our work involves evaluating a wide range of behavioral health service delivery and payment models, helping partners establish programs that implement new services and policies and fill data gaps, fielding large-scale behavioral health surveys, developing and implementing behavioral health quality measures, and analyzing policy to guide decision making. For more than two decades, we’ve conducted national surveys of every known mental health and substance use disorder treatment facility in the country. Our analyses of T-MSIS data for the Centers for Medicare &. Medicaid Services provide critical information on patterns of substance use disorders and treatment across states as evidenced by the T-MSIS Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Data Book and a series of supporting data quality briefs..

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We will do our best to expedite. Finally, we have also been addressing social justice and access in our podcast, where we interviewed disability activist Alice Wong and most recently Dr Oni Blackstock, primary care physician and HIV specialist in New York. We hope to have many more on these critical subjects.We wish all of you good health and safety and know that many of you are yet on the front direct kamagra uk reviews lines. Thank you for being part of the community of Medical Humanities.IntroductionMinecraft is a computer game with no specific goals to accomplish. The gameworld direct kamagra uk reviews consists of three-dimensional (3D) cubes and objects which the player (Steve) can mine and build into infinitely complex (and logically impossible) structures.

Steve sometimes encounters other characters (‘mobs’), such as animals and hostile creatures. He can ‘spawn’ and destroy them. While it looks like a harmless game of logical direct kamagra uk reviews construction, it conveys some worryingly delusive ideas about the real world. The difference between real and imagined structures is at the heart of the age-old debate around categorising mental disorders.Classification in mental health has had various forms throughout history. Mack and colleagues set out a history of psychiatric direct kamagra uk reviews classification beginning in 2600 BC with Egyptian references to melancholia and hysteria.

Through the Ancient Greeks with Hippocrates’ phrenitis, mania, melancholia, epilepsy, hysteria and Scythian disease. Through the Renaissance period. Through to 19th-century psychiatry featuring Pinel (known as the first psychiatrist), Kraepelin (known for observational classification) and Freud (known for classifying neurosis and psychosis).1Although the history of psychiatric classification identifies direct kamagra uk reviews some common trends such as the labels ‘melancholia’ and ‘hysteria’ which have survived millennia, the label ‘depression’ is relatively new. The earliest usage noted by Snaith is from 1899. €˜in simple direct kamagra uk reviews pathological depression…the patient exhibits a growing indifference to his former pursuits…’.2 Snaith noted that early 20th-century psychiatrists like Adolf Meyer hoped that ‘depression’ would come to encompass a broad category under which descriptions of subtypes would emerge.

This did not happen until the middle of the 20th century. With the publication of the sixth International Classification of Diseases (ICD) in 1948 and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1952 and their subsequent revisions, the latter half of the 20th century has seen depression subtype labels proliferate. In their study of the social determinants of diagnostic labels in depression, McPherson and Armstrong illustrate how the codification of depression subtypes in the latter half of the 20th century has been shaped by the evolving context of psychiatry, including power struggles within the profession, a move to community care and the development of psychopharmacology.3During this period, McPherson and Armstrong describe how subsequent versions of the DSM served as battlegrounds for professional disputes and philosophical quarrels around categorisation direct kamagra uk reviews of mental disorders. DSM I and DSM II have been described as products of an American Psychiatric Association dominated by psychoanalytic psychiatrists.4 DSM III and DSM III-R have been described as a radical rejection of psychoanalytic thinking, a ‘neo-Kraepelinian revolution’, a reference to the observational descriptive techniques of 19th-century psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin who classified mental disorders into two broad categories. €˜dementia praecox’ and ‘manic-depression’.5 DSM III was seen by some as a turning point in the use of the medical model of mental illness, through provision of specific inclusion and exclusion criteria, and use of field trials and a multiaxial system.6 These latter technocratic additions to psychiatric labelling served to engender a much closer alignment between psychiatry, science and medicine.The codification of mental disorders in manuals has been described by Thomas Schacht as direct kamagra uk reviews intrinsic to the relationship between science and politics and the way in which psychiatrists gain significant social power by aligning themselves to science.7 His argument drew on Szasz, who saw the mental health establishment as a therapeutic state.

Zimbardo, who described psychiatric care as a controlling force. And Foucault, who described the categorisation of the mentally ill as a force for isolating ‘the other’. Diagnostic critique has been further developed through a cultural relativist lens in that what Western psychiatrists classify as a depression direct kamagra uk reviews is constructed differently in other cultures.8 Considering these limitations, some critics have gone so far as to argue that psychiatric diagnostic systems should be abolished.9Yet architects of DSM manuals have worked hard to ensure the technology of classification is regarded as genuine scientific activity with sound roots in philosophy of science. In their philosophical defence of DSM IV, Allen Frances and colleagues address their critics under the headings ‘nominalism vs realism’, ‘empiricism vs rationalism’ and ‘categorical vs dimensional’.10 The implication is that there are opposing stances in which a choice must be made or a middle ground forged by those reasonable enough to recognise the need for pragmatism in the service of clinical utility. The nominalism–realism debate is illustrated using as metaphor three direct kamagra uk reviews different stances a cricket umpire might take on calling strikes and balls.

The discussion sets out two of these as extreme views. €˜at one extreme…those who take a reductionistically realistic view of the world’ versus ‘the solipsistic nominalists…might content that nothing exists’. Szasz, who is characterised as direct kamagra uk reviews holding particularly extreme views, is named as an archetypal solipsist. There is implied to be a degree of arrogance associated with this view in the illustrative example in which the umpire states ‘there are no balls and there are no strikes until I call them’. Frances therefore sets up a means of grouping two kinds of people as philosophical extremists who can be dismissed, while avoiding addressing the direct kamagra uk reviews philosophical problems they pose.Frances provides little if any justification for the middle ground stance, ‘There are balls and there are strikes and I call them as I see them’, other than to focus on its clinical utility and the lack of clinical utility in the alternatives ‘naïve realism’ and ‘heuristically barren solipsism’.

The natural conclusion the reader is invited to reach is that a middle ground of a heuristic concept is naturally right because it is not extreme and is naturally useful clinically, without specifying in what way this stance is coherent, resolves the two alternatives, and in what way a heuristic construct that is not ‘real’ can be subject to scientific testing.Similarly, in discussing the ‘categorical vs dimensional’, Frances promotes the ‘prototype approach’. Those holding opposing views are labelled as ‘dualists’ or ‘dichotomisers’. The prototypical direct kamagra uk reviews approach is again put forward as a clinically useful middle ground. Illustrations are drawn from natural science. €˜a triangle and direct kamagra uk reviews a square are never the same’, inciting the reader to consider science as value-free.

The prototypical approach emerges as a natural solution, yet the authors do not address how a diagnostic prototype resolves the issues posed by the two alternatives, nor how a prototype can be subjected to natural science methods.The argument presented here is not a defence of solipsism or dualism. Rather it aims to illustrate that if for pragmatic purposes clinicians and policymakers choose to gloss over the philosophical flaws in classification practices, it is then risky to move beyond the heuristic and apply natural science methods to these constructs adding multiple layers of technocratic subclassification. Doing so direct kamagra uk reviews is more like playing Minecraft than cricket. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guideline for depression is taken as an example of the philosophical errors that can follow from playing Minecraft with unsound heuristic devices, specifically subcategories of persistent forms of depression. As well as serving a clinical purpose, diagnosis in medicine is a way of allocating resources for insurance companies and constructing clinical guidelines, which in turn direct kamagra uk reviews determine rationing within the National Health Service.

The consequences for recipients of healthcare are therefore significant. Clinical utility is arguably not being served at all and patients are left at risk of poor-quality care.Heterogeneity of persistent depressionAndrea Jobst and colleagues note that ‘because of their chronic clinical course, approximately 40% of CD [chronic depression] patients also fulfil criteria for TRD [treatment resistant depression]…usually defined by the number of non-successful biological treatments’.11 This position is reflected in the DSM VAmerican Psychiatric Association (2013), the European Psychiatric Association (EPA) guidance and the ICD-11(World Health Organisation, 2018), which all use a ‘persistent’ depression category, acknowledging a loosely defined mixed group of long-term, difficult-to-treat depressive conditions, often associated with dysthymia and comorbid common mental disorders, various personality traits and psychosocial disability.In contrast, the NICE 2018 draft guideline separates treatments into those for ‘new episodes’ of depression. €˜further-line’ treatment of depression (equivalent to TRD), CD and ‘depression with direct kamagra uk reviews co-morbidities’. The latter is subdivided into treatments for ‘complex depression’ and ‘psychotic depression’. These categories and subcategories introduce an unfortunate sense of certainty direct kamagra uk reviews as though these labels represent real things.

An analysis follows of how these definitions play out in terms of grouping of randomised controlled trials in the NICE evidence review. Specifically, the analysis reveals the overlap between populations in trials which have been separated into discrete categories, revealing significant limitations to the utility of the category labels.The NICE definition of CD requires trial samples to meet the criteria for major depressive disorder (MDD) for 2 years. Dysthymia and double direct kamagra uk reviews depression (MDD superimposed on dysthymia) were included. If 75% of the trial population met these criteria, the trial was reviewed in the CD category.12 The definition of TRD (or ‘further-line treatments’) required that the trial sample had demonstrated a ‘limited response to previous treatment’ and randomised to the further-line treatment at this point. If 80% of the trial participants met these criteria, it was reviewed in the TRD category.13 Complex depression was defined as ‘depression co-existing with direct kamagra uk reviews personality disorder’.

To be classed as complex, 51% of trial participants had to have personality disorder (PD).14It is immediately clear from these definitions that there is a potential problem with attempting to categorise trial populations into just one of these categories. These populations are likely to overlap, whether or not a trial protocol sets out to explicitly record all of this information. The analysis below will illustrate this using examples from within the NICE review.Cataloguing complexity in trial populationsWithin the category of further-line treatments (TRD), 64 trials were direct kamagra uk reviews reviewed. Comparisons within these trials were further subcategorised into ‘dose escalation strategies’, ‘augmentation strategies’ and ‘switching strategies’. In drilling down by way of illustration, this analysis considers the 51 trials in the augmentation direct kamagra uk reviews strategy evidence review.

Of these, two were classified by the reviewers as also fulfilling the criteria for CD but were not analysed in the CD category (Study IDs. Fonagy 2015 and Kocsis 200915). About half of the trials (23/51) did not report the mean duration of episode, meaning that it is not possible to know what percentage of participants also met the criteria for direct kamagra uk reviews CD. Of trials that did report episode duration, 17 reported a mean duration longer than 24 months. While the standard deviations varied in size or were unreported, the mean indicates a good likelihood that a significant proportion of the participants across these 51 trials met the criteria for CD.Details of baseline employment, trauma history, suicidality, physical comorbidity, axis I comorbidity direct kamagra uk reviews and PD (all clinical indicators of complexity, severity and chronicity) were not collated by NICE.

For the present analysis, all 51 publications were examined and data compiled concerning clinical complexity in the trial populations. Only 14 of 51 trials report employment data. Of those that do, unemployment ranges from 12% to 56% direct kamagra uk reviews across trial samples. None of the trials report trauma history. About half of the trials (26/51) excluded people who were considered a suicide direct kamagra uk reviews risk.

The others did not.A large proportion of trials (30/51) did not provide any data on axis 1 comorbidity. Of these, 18 did not exclude any diagnoses, while 12 excluded some (but not all) disorders. The most direct kamagra uk reviews common diagnoses excluded were psychotic disorders, substance or alcohol abuse, and bipolar disorder (excluded in 26, 25 and 23 trials, respectively). Only 7 of 51 trials clearly stated that all axis 1 diagnoses were excluded. This leaves only 13 studies providing direct kamagra uk reviews any data about comorbidity.

Of these, 9 gave partial data on one or two conditions, while 4 reported either the mean number of disorders (range 1.96–2.9) or the percentage of participants (range 68.1–96.7) with any comorbid diagnosis (Nierenberg 2003a, Nierenberg 2006, Watkins 2011a, Town 201715).The majority of trials (46/51) did not report the prevalence of PD. Many stated PD as an exclusion criterion but without defining a threshold for exclusion. For example, PD could be excluded if it ‘impacted’ the depression, direct kamagra uk reviews if it was ‘significant’, ‘severe’ or ‘persistent’. Some excluded certain PDs (such as antisocial or borderline) and not others but without reporting the prevalence of those not excluded. In the five trials where prevalence was clear, direct kamagra uk reviews prevalence ranged from 0% (Ravindran 2008a15), where all PDs were excluded, to 87.5% of the sample (Town 201715).

Two studies reported the mean number of PDs. 2.0 (Nierenberg 2003a) and 0.85 (Watkins 2011a15).The majority of trials (43/51) did not report the prevalence of physical illness. Many stated illness as an exclusion criterion, but the definitions and thresholds direct kamagra uk reviews were vague and could be interpreted in different ways. For example, illness could be excluded if where can i buy kamagra in australia it was ‘unstable’, ‘serious’, ‘significant’, ‘relevant’, or would ‘contraindicate’ or ‘impact’ the medication. Of the direct kamagra uk reviews eight trials reporting information about physical health, there was a wide variation.

Four reported prevalence varying from 7.6% having a disability (Eisendrath 201615) to 90.9% having an illness or disability (Town 201715). Four used scales of physical health. Two indicating mild problems (Nierenberg 2006, Lavretsky 201115) and two indicating moderately high levels of illness (Thase 2007, Fang 201015).The NICE review also divided trial populations into a dichotomy of ‘more severe’ and ‘less severe’ direct kamagra uk reviews on the grounds that this would be a clinically useful classification for general practitioners. NICE applied a bespoke methodology for creating this dichotomy, abandoning validated measure thresholds in order first to generate two ‘homogeneous’ groups to ‘facilitate analysis’, and second to create an algorithm to ‘read across’ different measures (such as the Beck Depression Inventory, the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD) and the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale).16 Examining trials which use more than one of these measures reveals problems in the algorithm. Of the 51 trials, there are 6 direct kamagra uk reviews instances in which the study population falls into NICE’s more severe category according to one measure and into the less severe category according to another.

In four of these trials, NICE chose the less severe category (Souza 2016, Watkins 2011a, Fonagy 2015, Town 201715). The other two trials were designated more severe (Barbee 2011, Dunner 200715). Only 17 of 51 trials reported two or more depression scale measures, leaving much unknown about whether other study populations could direct kamagra uk reviews count as both more severe and less severe.Absence of knowledge or knowledge of absence?. A key philosophical error in science is to confuse an absence of knowledge with knowledge of absence. It is direct kamagra uk reviews likely that some of the study populations deemed lacking in complexity or severity could actually have high degrees of complexity and/or severity.

Data to demonstrate this may either fall foul of a guideline committee decision to prioritise certain information over other conflicting information (as in the severity algorithm). The information may be non-existent as it was not collected. It may direct kamagra uk reviews be somewhere in the publication pipeline. Or it may be sitting in a database with a research team that has run out of funds for supplementary analyses. Wherever those data direct kamagra uk reviews are or are not, their absence from published articles does not define the phenomenology of depression for the patients who took part.

As a case in point, data from the Fonagy 2015 trial presented at conferences but not published reveal that PD prevalence data would place the trial well within the NICE complex depression category, and that the sample had high levels of past trauma and physical condition comorbidity. The trial also meets the guideline criteria for CD according to the guideline’s own appendices.17 Reported axis 1 comorbidity was high (75.2% had anxiety disorder, 18.6% had substance abuse disorder, 13.2% had eating disorder).18 The mean depression scores at baseline were 36.5 on the Beck Depression Inventory and 20.1 on the HRSD (severe and very severe, respectively, according to published cut-off scores). NICE categorised this population as direct kamagra uk reviews less severe TRD, not CD and not complex.Notes1. Avram H. Mack et direct kamagra uk reviews al.

(1994), “A Brief History of Psychiatric Classification. From the Ancients to DSM-IV,” Psychiatric Clinics 17, no. 3. 515–9.2. R.

P. Snaith (1987), “The Concepts of Mild Depression,” British Journal of Psychiatry 150, no. 3. 387.3. Susan McPherson and David Armstrong (2006), “Social Determinants of Diagnostic Labels in Depression,” Social Science &.

Medicine 62, no. 1. 52–7.4. Gerald N. Grob (1991), “Origins of DSM-I.

A Study in Appearance and Reality,” The American Journal of Psychiatry. 421–31.5. Wilson M. Compton and Samuel B. Guze (1995), “The Neo-Kraepelinian Revolution in Psychiatric Diagnosis,” European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 245, no.

4. 198–9.6. Gerald L. Klerman (1984), “A Debate on DSM-III. The Advantages of DSM-III,” The American Journal of Psychiatry.

539–42.7. Thomas E. Schacht (1985), “DSM-III and the Politics of Truth,” American Psychologist. 513–5.8. Daniel F.

Hartner and Kari L. Theurer (2018), “Psychiatry Should Not Seek Mechanisms of Disorder,” Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 38, no. 4. 189–204.9. Sami Timimi (2014), “No More Psychiatric Labels.

Why Formal Psychiatric Diagnostic Systems Should Be Abolished,” Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 14, no. 3. 208–15.10. Allen Frances et al. (1994), “DSM-IV Meets Philosophy,” The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy.

A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine 19, no. 3. 207–18.11. Andrea Jobst et al. (2016), “European Psychiatric Association Guidance on Psychotherapy in Chronic Depression Across Europe,” European Psychiatry 33.

20.12. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2018), Depression in Adults. Treatment and Management. Draft for Consultation, https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/gid-cgwave0725/documents/full-guideline-updated, 507.13. Ibid., 351–62.14.

Ibid., 597.15. Note that in order to refer to specific trials reviewed in the guideline, rather than the full citation, the Study IDs from column A in appendix J5 have been used. See www.nice.org.uk/guidance/gid-cgwave0725/documents/addendum-appendix-9 for details and full references.16. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2018), Depression in Adults. Treatment and Management.

Second Consultation on Draft Guideline – Stakeholder Comments Table, https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/gid-cgwave0725/documents/consultation-comments-and-responses-2, 420–1.17. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2018), Depression in Adults, appendix J5.18. Peter Fonagy et al. (2015), “Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial of Long-Term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Treatment-Resistant Depression. The Tavistock Adult Depression Study (TADS),” World Psychiatry 14, no.

3. 312–21.19. American Psychological Association (2018), Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Depression in Children, Adolescents, and Young, Middle-aged, and Older Adults. Draft.20. Jacqui Thornton (2018), “Depression in Adults.

Campaigners and Doctors Demand Full Revision of NICE Guidance,” BMJ 361. K2681..

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The process of academic publishing tends not to lend itself to immediacy, however, and the challenges of kamagra means greater pressure on everyone, from the authors to the reviewers and readers.To remedy this, we at Medical Humanities have been increasing the work on our blog platform, a place where content can be quickly updated, and where conversations can occur among readers and writers. We openly invite submissions concerning the kamagra, as well as topics relevant to our wider CFP (call for posts/papers) this year on social justice and health, kamagra gold online to both blog and journal. We will do our best to expedite. Finally, we have also been addressing social justice and access in our podcast, where we interviewed disability activist Alice Wong and most recently Dr Oni Blackstock, primary care physician and HIV specialist in New York.

We hope to have many more on these critical subjects.We wish all kamagra gold online of you good health and safety and know that many of you are yet on the front lines. Thank you for being part of the community of Medical Humanities.IntroductionMinecraft is a computer game with no specific goals to accomplish. The gameworld consists of three-dimensional (3D) cubes and objects which the player (Steve) kamagra gold online can mine and build into infinitely complex (and logically impossible) structures. Steve sometimes encounters other characters (‘mobs’), such as animals and hostile creatures.

He can ‘spawn’ and destroy them. While it looks like a kamagra gold online harmless game of logical construction, it conveys some worryingly delusive ideas about the real world. The difference between real and imagined structures is at the heart of the age-old debate around categorising mental disorders.Classification in mental health has had various forms throughout history. Mack and colleagues set out a kamagra gold online history of psychiatric classification beginning in 2600 BC with Egyptian references to melancholia and hysteria.

Through the Ancient Greeks with Hippocrates’ phrenitis, mania, melancholia, epilepsy, hysteria and Scythian disease. Through the Renaissance period. Through to 19th-century psychiatry featuring Pinel (known as the first kamagra gold online psychiatrist), Kraepelin (known for observational classification) and Freud (known for classifying neurosis and psychosis).1Although the history of psychiatric classification identifies some common trends such as the labels ‘melancholia’ and ‘hysteria’ which have survived millennia, the label ‘depression’ is relatively new. The earliest usage noted by Snaith is from 1899.

€˜in simple pathological depression…the patient exhibits a growing indifference to his former pursuits…’.2 Snaith noted that early 20th-century psychiatrists like Adolf Meyer hoped that ‘depression’ would come to encompass a broad category under which descriptions of subtypes kamagra gold online would emerge. This did not happen until the middle of the 20th century. With the publication of the sixth International Classification of Diseases (ICD) in 1948 and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1952 and their subsequent revisions, the latter half of the 20th century has seen depression subtype labels proliferate. In their study of the social determinants of diagnostic labels in depression, McPherson and Armstrong illustrate how the codification of depression subtypes in the latter half of the 20th century has been shaped by the evolving context of psychiatry, including power struggles within the profession, a move to community care and the development of psychopharmacology.3During this kamagra gold online period, McPherson and Armstrong describe how subsequent versions of the DSM served as battlegrounds for professional disputes and philosophical quarrels around categorisation of mental disorders.

DSM I and DSM II have been described as products of an American Psychiatric Association dominated by psychoanalytic psychiatrists.4 DSM III and DSM III-R have been described as a radical rejection of psychoanalytic thinking, a ‘neo-Kraepelinian revolution’, a reference to the observational descriptive techniques of 19th-century psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin who classified mental disorders into two broad categories. €˜dementia praecox’ and ‘manic-depression’.5 DSM III was seen by some as a turning point in the use of the medical model of mental illness, through provision of specific inclusion and exclusion kamagra gold online criteria, and use of field trials and a multiaxial system.6 These latter technocratic additions to psychiatric labelling served to engender a much closer alignment between psychiatry, science and medicine.The codification of mental disorders in manuals has been described by Thomas Schacht as intrinsic to the relationship between science and politics and the way in which psychiatrists gain significant social power by aligning themselves to science.7 His argument drew on Szasz, who saw the mental health establishment as a therapeutic state. Zimbardo, who described psychiatric care as a controlling force. And Foucault, who described the categorisation of the mentally ill as a force for isolating ‘the other’.

Diagnostic critique has been further developed through a cultural relativist lens in that what Western psychiatrists classify as a depression is constructed differently in other cultures.8 Considering these limitations, some critics have gone so far as kamagra gold online to argue that psychiatric diagnostic systems should be abolished.9Yet architects of DSM manuals have worked hard to ensure the technology of classification is regarded as genuine scientific activity with sound roots in philosophy of science. In their philosophical defence of DSM IV, Allen Frances and colleagues address their critics under the headings ‘nominalism vs realism’, ‘empiricism vs rationalism’ and ‘categorical vs dimensional’.10 The implication is that there are opposing stances in which a choice must be made or a middle ground forged by those reasonable enough to recognise the need for pragmatism in the service of clinical utility. The nominalism–realism debate is illustrated using as metaphor three different stances a cricket umpire might take on calling strikes kamagra gold online and balls. The discussion sets out two of these as extreme views.

€˜at one extreme…those who take a reductionistically realistic view of the world’ versus ‘the solipsistic nominalists…might content that nothing exists’. Szasz, who is characterised as holding particularly extreme views, is named as kamagra gold online an archetypal solipsist. There is implied to be a degree of arrogance associated with this view in the illustrative example in which the umpire states ‘there are no balls and there are no strikes until I call them’. Frances therefore sets up a means of grouping two kinds of people as philosophical extremists kamagra gold online who can be dismissed, while avoiding addressing the philosophical problems they pose.Frances provides little if any justification for the middle ground stance, ‘There are balls and there are strikes and I call them as I see them’, other than to focus on its clinical utility and the lack of clinical utility in the alternatives ‘naïve realism’ and ‘heuristically barren solipsism’.

The natural conclusion the reader is invited to reach is that a middle ground of a heuristic concept is naturally right because it is not extreme and is naturally useful clinically, without specifying in what way this stance is coherent, resolves the two alternatives, and in what way a heuristic construct that is not ‘real’ can be subject to scientific testing.Similarly, in discussing the ‘categorical vs dimensional’, Frances promotes the ‘prototype approach’. Those holding opposing views are labelled as ‘dualists’ or ‘dichotomisers’. The prototypical approach is again put forward as a kamagra gold online clinically useful middle ground. Illustrations are drawn from natural science.

€˜a triangle and a square kamagra gold online are never the same’, inciting the reader to consider science as value-free. The prototypical approach emerges as a natural solution, yet the authors do not address how a diagnostic prototype resolves the issues posed by the two alternatives, nor how a prototype can be subjected to natural science methods.The argument presented here is not a defence of solipsism or dualism. Rather it aims to illustrate that if for pragmatic purposes clinicians and policymakers choose to gloss over the philosophical flaws in classification practices, it is then risky to move beyond the heuristic and apply natural science methods to these constructs adding multiple layers of technocratic subclassification. Doing so kamagra gold online is more like playing Minecraft than cricket.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guideline for depression is taken as an example of the philosophical errors that can follow from playing Minecraft with unsound heuristic devices, specifically subcategories of persistent forms of depression. As well as serving a clinical purpose, diagnosis in medicine is a way of allocating resources for insurance companies and constructing clinical guidelines, which in turn determine kamagra gold online rationing within the National Health Service. The consequences for recipients of healthcare are therefore significant. Clinical utility is arguably not being served at all and patients are left at risk of poor-quality care.Heterogeneity of persistent depressionAndrea Jobst and colleagues note that ‘because of their chronic clinical course, approximately 40% of CD [chronic depression] patients also fulfil criteria for TRD [treatment resistant depression]…usually defined by the number of non-successful biological treatments’.11 This position is reflected in the DSM VAmerican Psychiatric Association (2013), the European Psychiatric Association (EPA) guidance and the ICD-11(World Health Organisation, 2018), which all use a ‘persistent’ depression category, acknowledging a loosely defined mixed group of long-term, difficult-to-treat depressive conditions, often associated with dysthymia and comorbid common mental disorders, various personality traits and psychosocial disability.In contrast, the NICE 2018 draft guideline separates treatments into those for ‘new episodes’ of depression.

€˜further-line’ treatment kamagra gold online of depression (equivalent to TRD), CD and ‘depression with co-morbidities’. The latter is subdivided into treatments for ‘complex depression’ and ‘psychotic depression’. These categories and subcategories introduce an unfortunate sense of certainty as though these labels represent real things kamagra gold online. An analysis follows of how these definitions play out in terms of grouping of randomised controlled trials in the NICE evidence review.

Specifically, the analysis reveals the overlap between populations in trials which have been separated into discrete categories, revealing significant limitations to the utility of the category labels.The NICE definition of CD requires trial samples to meet the criteria for major depressive disorder (MDD) for 2 years. Dysthymia and double depression (MDD superimposed on kamagra gold online dysthymia) were included. If 75% of the trial population met these criteria, the trial was reviewed in the CD category.12 The definition of TRD (or ‘further-line treatments’) required that the trial sample had demonstrated a ‘limited response to previous treatment’ and randomised to the further-line treatment at this point. If 80% of the trial participants met these criteria, it was reviewed in kamagra gold online the TRD category.13 Complex depression was defined as ‘depression co-existing with personality disorder’.

To be classed as complex, 51% of trial participants had to have personality disorder (PD).14It is immediately clear from these definitions that there is a potential problem with attempting to categorise trial populations into just one of these categories. These populations are likely to overlap, whether or not a trial protocol sets out to explicitly record all of this information. The analysis below will illustrate this using examples from within the kamagra gold online NICE review.Cataloguing complexity in trial populationsWithin the category of further-line treatments (TRD), 64 trials were reviewed. Comparisons within these trials were further subcategorised into ‘dose escalation strategies’, ‘augmentation strategies’ and ‘switching strategies’.

In drilling down by way of illustration, this analysis considers kamagra gold online the 51 trials in the augmentation strategy evidence review. Of these, two were classified by the reviewers as also fulfilling the criteria for CD but were not analysed in the CD category (Study IDs. Fonagy 2015 and Kocsis 200915). About half kamagra gold online of the trials (23/51) did not report the mean duration of episode, meaning that it is not possible to know what percentage of participants also met the criteria for CD.

Of trials that did report episode duration, 17 reported a mean duration longer than 24 months. While the standard deviations varied in size or were unreported, the mean indicates a good likelihood that a significant proportion of the participants across these 51 trials met the criteria for CD.Details of baseline employment, trauma history, kamagra gold online suicidality, physical comorbidity, axis I comorbidity and PD (all clinical indicators of complexity, severity and chronicity) were not collated by NICE. For the present analysis, all 51 publications were examined and data compiled concerning clinical complexity in the trial populations. Only 14 of 51 trials report employment data.

Of those that do, unemployment ranges from 12% to 56% across trial samples kamagra gold online. None of the trials report trauma history. About half kamagra gold online of the trials (26/51) excluded people who were considered a suicide risk. The others did not.A large proportion of trials (30/51) did not provide any data on axis 1 comorbidity.

Of these, 18 did not exclude any diagnoses, while 12 excluded some (but not all) disorders. The most common diagnoses excluded were psychotic disorders, substance or alcohol abuse, and bipolar disorder (excluded in 26, 25 and 23 kamagra gold online trials, respectively). Only 7 of 51 trials clearly stated that all axis 1 diagnoses were excluded. This leaves kamagra gold online only 13 studies providing any data about comorbidity.

Of these, 9 gave partial data on one or two conditions, while 4 reported either the mean number of disorders (range 1.96–2.9) or the percentage of participants (range 68.1–96.7) with any comorbid diagnosis (Nierenberg 2003a, Nierenberg 2006, Watkins 2011a, Town 201715).The majority of trials (46/51) did not report the prevalence of PD. Many stated PD as an exclusion criterion but without defining a threshold for exclusion. For example, PD could be kamagra gold online excluded if it ‘impacted’ the depression, if it was ‘significant’, ‘severe’ or ‘persistent’. Some excluded certain PDs (such as antisocial or borderline) and not others but without reporting the prevalence of those not excluded.

In the five trials where prevalence was kamagra gold online clear, prevalence ranged from 0% (Ravindran 2008a15), where all PDs were excluded, to 87.5% of the sample (Town 201715). Two studies reported the mean number of PDs. 2.0 (Nierenberg 2003a) and 0.85 (Watkins 2011a15).The majority of trials (43/51) did not report the prevalence of physical illness. Many stated kamagra gold online illness as an exclusion criterion, but the definitions and thresholds were vague and could be interpreted in different ways.

For example, illness could be excluded if it was ‘unstable’, ‘serious’, ‘significant’, ‘relevant’, or would ‘contraindicate’ or ‘impact’ the medication. Of the eight trials reporting information about physical health, there was a wide variation kamagra gold online. Four reported prevalence varying from 7.6% having a disability (Eisendrath 201615) to 90.9% having an illness or disability (Town 201715). Four used scales of physical health.

Two indicating mild problems (Nierenberg 2006, Lavretsky 201115) and two indicating moderately high levels of illness (Thase 2007, Fang 201015).The NICE review also divided trial populations into a dichotomy of ‘more severe’ and ‘less severe’ on the grounds that this would kamagra gold online be a clinically useful classification for general practitioners. NICE applied a bespoke methodology for creating this dichotomy, abandoning validated measure thresholds in order first to generate two ‘homogeneous’ groups to ‘facilitate analysis’, and second to create an algorithm to ‘read across’ different measures (such as the Beck Depression Inventory, the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD) and the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale).16 Examining trials which use more than one of these measures reveals problems in the algorithm. Of the 51 trials, there are 6 instances in which the study population falls into NICE’s more severe kamagra gold online category according to one measure and into the less severe category according to another. In four of these trials, NICE chose the less severe category (Souza 2016, Watkins 2011a, Fonagy 2015, Town 201715).

The other two trials were designated more severe (Barbee 2011, Dunner 200715). Only 17 of 51 trials reported two or more kamagra gold online depression scale measures, leaving much unknown about whether other study populations could count as both more severe and less severe.Absence of knowledge or knowledge of absence?. A key philosophical error in science is to confuse an absence of knowledge with knowledge of absence. It is likely that some of the study populations deemed lacking in complexity or kamagra gold online severity could actually have high degrees of complexity and/or severity.

Data to demonstrate this may either fall foul of a guideline committee decision to prioritise certain information over other conflicting information (as in the severity algorithm). The information may be non-existent as it was not collected. It may be kamagra gold online somewhere in the publication pipeline. Or it may be sitting in a database with a research team that has run out of funds for supplementary analyses.

Wherever those data are or are not, their absence from published articles does not define the phenomenology of depression kamagra gold online for the patients who took part. As a case in point, data from the Fonagy 2015 trial presented at conferences but not published reveal that PD prevalence data would place the trial well within the NICE complex depression category, and that the sample had high levels of past trauma and physical condition comorbidity. The trial also meets the guideline criteria for CD according to the guideline’s own appendices.17 Reported axis 1 comorbidity was high (75.2% had anxiety disorder, 18.6% had substance abuse disorder, 13.2% had eating disorder).18 The mean depression scores at baseline were 36.5 on the Beck Depression Inventory and 20.1 on the HRSD (severe and very severe, respectively, according to published cut-off scores). NICE categorised this population as less severe TRD, not CD and not complex.Notes1 kamagra gold online.

Avram H. Mack et kamagra gold online al. (1994), “A Brief History of Psychiatric Classification. From the Ancients to DSM-IV,” Psychiatric Clinics 17, no.

Snaith (1987), “The Concepts of Mild Depression,” British Journal of Psychiatry 150, no. 3. 387.3. Susan McPherson and David Armstrong (2006), “Social Determinants of Diagnostic Labels in Depression,” Social Science &.

Grob (1991), “Origins of DSM-I. A Study in Appearance and Reality,” The American Journal of Psychiatry. 421–31.5. Wilson M.

Compton and Samuel B. Guze (1995), “The Neo-Kraepelinian Revolution in Psychiatric Diagnosis,” European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 245, no. 4. 198–9.6.

Gerald L. Klerman (1984), “A Debate on DSM-III. The Advantages of DSM-III,” The American Journal of Psychiatry. 539–42.7.

Thomas E. Schacht (1985), “DSM-III and the Politics of Truth,” American Psychologist. 513–5.8. Daniel F.

Hartner and Kari L. Theurer (2018), “Psychiatry Should Not Seek Mechanisms of Disorder,” Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 38, no. 4. 189–204.9.

Sami Timimi (2014), “No More Psychiatric Labels. Why Formal Psychiatric Diagnostic Systems Should Be Abolished,” Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 14, no. 3. 208–15.10.

Allen Frances et al. (1994), “DSM-IV Meets Philosophy,” The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy. A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine 19, no. 3.

207–18.11. Andrea Jobst et al. (2016), “European Psychiatric Association Guidance on Psychotherapy in Chronic Depression Across Europe,” European Psychiatry 33. 20.12.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2018), Depression in Adults. Treatment and Management. Draft for Consultation, https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/gid-cgwave0725/documents/full-guideline-updated, 507.13. Ibid., 351–62.14.

Ibid., 597.15. Note that in order to refer to specific trials reviewed in the guideline, rather than the full citation, the Study IDs from column A in appendix J5 have been used. See www.nice.org.uk/guidance/gid-cgwave0725/documents/addendum-appendix-9 for details and full references.16. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2018), Depression in Adults.

Treatment and Management. Second Consultation on Draft Guideline – Stakeholder Comments Table, https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/gid-cgwave0725/documents/consultation-comments-and-responses-2, 420–1.17. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2018), Depression in Adults, appendix J5.18. Peter Fonagy et al.

(2015), “Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial of Long-Term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Treatment-Resistant Depression. The Tavistock Adult Depression Study (TADS),” World Psychiatry 14, no. 3. 312–21.19.

American Psychological Association (2018), Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Depression in Children, Adolescents, and Young, Middle-aged, and Older Adults. Draft.20. Jacqui Thornton (2018), “Depression in Adults. Campaigners and Doctors Demand Full Revision of NICE Guidance,” BMJ 361.

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Most patients are unable to exercise at the same level as their peers which, along with the awareness of having a chronic condition, affects mental wellbeing."Having kamagra oral jelly online shop a congenital heart disease, with a need for long-term follow-up and treatment, can also have an impact on social life, limit employment options and make it difficult to get insurance," said Professor Helmut Baumgartner, Chairperson of the guidelines Task Force and head of Adult Congenital and Valvular Heart Disease at the University Hospital of Münster, Germany. "Guiding and supporting patients in all of these processes is an inherent part of their care."All adults with congenital heart disease should have at least one appointment at a specialist centre to determine how often they need to be seen. Teams at these centres should include specialist nurses, psychologists and social kamagra oral jelly online shop workers given that anxiety and depression are common concerns.Pregnancy is contraindicated in women with certain conditions such high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs. "Pre-conception counselling is recommended for women and men to discuss the risk of the defect in offspring and the option of foetal screening," said Professor Julie De Backer, Chairperson of the guidelines Task Force and cardiologist and clinical geneticist at Ghent University Hospital, Belgium.Concerning sports, recommendations are provided for each condition. Professor De kamagra oral jelly online shop Backer said.

"All adults with congenital heart disease should be encouraged to exercise, taking into account the nature of the underlying defect and their own abilities."The guidelines state when and how to diagnose complications. This includes proactively monitoring for arrhythmias, cardiac imaging and blood tests to detect problems with heart function.Detailed recommendations are provided on kamagra oral jelly online shop how and when to treat complications. Arrhythmias are an important cause of sickness and death and the guidelines stress the importance of correct and timely referral to a specialised treatment centre. They also list when particular treatments should be considered such as ablation (a procedure to destroy heart tissue and stop faulty electrical signals) kamagra oral jelly online shop and device implantation.For several defects, there are new recommendations for catheter-based treatment. "Catheter-based treatment should be performed by specialists in adult congenital heart disease working within a multidisciplinary team," said Professor Baumgartner.

Story Source kamagra oral jelly online shop. Materials provided by European Society of Cardiology. Note. Content may be edited for style and length.One in five patients die within a year after the most common type of heart attack. European Society of Cardiology (ESC) treatment guidelines for non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome are published online today in European Heart Journal, and on the ESC website.Chest pain is the most common symptom, along with pain radiating to one or both arms, the neck, or jaw.

Anyone experiencing these symptoms should call an ambulance immediately. Complications include potentially deadly heart rhythm disorders (arrhythmias), which are another reason to seek urgent medical help.Treatment is aimed at the underlying cause. The main reason is fatty deposits (atherosclerosis) that become surrounded by a blood clot, narrowing the arteries supplying blood to the heart. In these cases, patients should receive blood thinners and stents to restore blood flow. For the first time, the guidelines recommend imaging to identify other causes such as a tear in a blood vessel leading to the heart.Regarding diagnosis, there is no distinguishing change on the electrocardiogram (ECG), which may be normal.

The key step is measuring a chemical in the blood called troponin. When blood flow to the heart is decreased or blocked, heart cells die, and troponin levels rise. If levels are normal, the measurement should be repeated one hour later to rule out the diagnosis. If elevated, hospital admission is recommended to further evaluate the severity of the disease and decide the treatment strategy.Given that the main cause is related to atherosclerosis, there is a high risk of recurrence, which can also be deadly. Patients should be prescribed blood thinners and lipid lowering therapies.

"Equally important is a healthy lifestyle including smoking cessation, exercise, and a diet emphasising vegetables, fruits and whole grains while limiting saturated fat and alcohol," said Professor Jean-Philippe Collet, Chairperson of the guidelines Task Force and professor of cardiology, Sorbonne University, Paris, France.Behavioural change and adherence to medication are best achieved when patients are supported by a multidisciplinary team including cardiologists, general practitioners, nurses, dietitians, physiotherapists, psychologists, and pharmacists.The likelihood of triggering another heart attack during sexual activity is low for most patients, and regular exercise decreases this risk. Healthcare providers should ask patients about sexual activity and offer advice and counselling.Annual influenza vaccination is recommended -- especially for patients aged 65 and over -- to prevent further heart attacks and increase longevity."Women should receive equal access to care, a prompt diagnosis, and treatments at the same rate and intensity as men," said Professor Holger Thiele, Chairperson of the guidelines Task Force and medical director, Department of Internal Medicine/Cardiology, Heart Centre Leipzig, Germany. Story Source. Materials provided by European Society of Cardiology. Note.

Content may be edited for style and length.Feeling angry these days?. New research suggests that a good night of sleep may be just what you need.This program of research comprised an analysis of diaries and lab experiments. The researchers analyzed daily diary entries from 202 college students, who tracked their sleep, daily stressors, and anger over one month. Preliminary results show that individuals reported experiencing more anger on days following less sleep than usual for them.The research team also conducted a lab experiment involving 147 community residents. Participants were randomly assigned either to maintain their regular sleep schedule or to restrict their sleep at home by about five hours across two nights.

Following this manipulation, anger was assessed during exposure to irritating noise.The experiment found that well-slept individuals adapted to noise and reported less anger after two days. In contrast, sleep-restricted individuals exhibited higher and increased anger in response to aversive noise, suggesting that losing sleep undermined emotional adaptation to frustrating circumstance. Subjective sleepiness accounted for most of the experimental effect of sleep loss on anger. A related experiment in which individuals reported anger following an online competitive game found similar results."The results are important because they provide strong causal evidence that sleep restriction increases anger and increases frustration over time," said Zlatan Krizan, who has a doctorate in personality and social psychology and is a professor of psychology at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. "Moreover, the results from the daily diary study suggest such effects translate to everyday life, as young adults reported more anger in the afternoon on days they slept less."The authors noted that the findings highlight the importance of considering specific emotional reactions such as anger and their regulation in the context of sleep disruption.

Story Source. Materials provided by American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Note. Content may be edited for style and length.Overcoming the nation's opioid epidemic will require clinicians to look beyond opioids, new research from Oregon Health &. Science University suggests.The study reveals that among patients who participated in an in-hospital addiction medicine intervention at OHSU, three-quarters came into the hospital using more than one substance.

Overall, participants used fewer substances in the months after working with the hospital-based addictions team than before.The study published in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment."We found that polysubstance use is the norm," said lead author Caroline King, M.P.H., a health systems researcher and current M.D./Ph.D. Student in the OHSU School of Medicine's biomedical engineering program. "This is important because we may need to offer additional support to patients using multiple drugs. If someone with opioid use disorder also uses alcohol or methamphetamines, we miss caring for the whole person by focusing only on their opioid use."About 40% of participants reported they had abstained from using at least one substance at least a month after discharge -- a measure of success that isn't typically tracked in health system record-keeping.Researchers enrolled 486 people seen by an addiction medicine consult service while hospitalized at OHSU Hospital between 2015 and 2018, surveying them early during their stay in the hospital and then again 30 to 90 days after discharge. advertisement Treatment of opioid use disorder can involve medication such as buprenorphine, or Suboxone, which normalizes brain function by acting on the same target in the brain as prescription opioids or heroin.However, focusing only on the opioid addiction may not adequately address the complexity of each patient."Methamphetamine use in many parts of the U.S., including Oregon, is prominent right now," said senior author Honora Englander, M.D., associate professor of medicine (hospital medicine) in the OHSU School of Medicine.

"If people are using stimulants and opioids -- and we only talk about their opioid use -- there are independent harms from stimulant use combined with opioids. People may be using methamphetamines for different reasons than they use opioids."Englander leads the in-hospital addiction service, known as Project IMPACT, or Improving Addiction Care Team.The initiative brings together physicians, social workers, peer-recovery mentors and community addiction providers to address addiction when patients are admitted to the hospital. Since its inception in 2015, the program has served more than 1,950 people hospitalized at OHSU.The national opioid epidemic spiraled out of control following widespread prescribing of powerful pain medications beginning in the 1990s. Since then, it has often been viewed as a public health crisis afflicting rural, suburban and affluent communities that are largely white.Englander said the new study suggests that a singular focus on opioids may cause clinicians to overlook complexity of issues facing many populations, including people of color, who may also use other substances."Centering on opioids centers on whiteness," Englander said. "Understanding the complexity of people's substance use patterns is really important to honoring their experience and developing systems that support their needs."Researchers say the finding further reinforces earlier research showing that hospitalization is an important time to offer treatment to people with substance use disorder, even if they are not seeking treatment for addiction when they come to the hospital.

Story Source. Materials provided by Oregon Health &. Science University. Original written by Erik Robinson. Note.

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More than 90% of babies born with heart defects kamagra gold online survive into adulthood. As a result, there are now more adults living with congenital heart disease than kamagra gold online children. These adults have a chronic, lifelong condition and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) has produced advice to give the best chance of a normal life. The guidelines are published online today in European Heart Journal,1 and on the ESC website.2Congenital heart disease refers to any structural defect of the heart and/or great vessels (those directly connected to the heart) present at kamagra gold online birth.

Congenital heart disease affects all aspects of life, including physical and mental health, socialising, and work. Most patients are unable kamagra gold online to exercise at the same level as their peers which, along with the awareness of having a chronic condition, affects mental wellbeing."Having a congenital heart disease, with a need for long-term follow-up and treatment, can also have an impact on social life, limit employment options and make it difficult to get insurance," said Professor Helmut Baumgartner, Chairperson of the guidelines Task Force and head of Adult Congenital and Valvular Heart Disease at the University Hospital of Münster, Germany. "Guiding and supporting patients in all of these processes is an inherent part of their care."All adults with congenital heart disease should have at least one appointment at a specialist centre to determine how often they need to be seen. Teams at kamagra gold online these centres should include specialist nurses, psychologists and social workers given that anxiety and depression are common concerns.Pregnancy is contraindicated in women with certain conditions such high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs.

"Pre-conception counselling is recommended for women and men to discuss the risk of the defect in offspring and the option of foetal screening," said Professor Julie De Backer, Chairperson of the guidelines Task Force and cardiologist and clinical geneticist at Ghent University Hospital, Belgium.Concerning sports, recommendations are provided for each condition. Professor De Backer kamagra gold online said. "All adults with congenital heart disease should be encouraged to exercise, taking into account the nature of the underlying defect and their own abilities."The guidelines state when and how to diagnose complications. This includes proactively monitoring kamagra gold online for arrhythmias, cardiac imaging and blood tests to detect problems with heart function.Detailed recommendations are provided on how and when to treat complications.

Arrhythmias are an important cause of sickness and death and the guidelines stress the importance of correct and timely referral to a specialised treatment centre. They also list when particular treatments should kamagra gold online be considered such as ablation (a procedure to destroy heart tissue and stop faulty electrical signals) and device implantation.For several defects, there are new recommendations for catheter-based treatment. "Catheter-based treatment should be performed by specialists in adult congenital heart disease working within a multidisciplinary team," said Professor Baumgartner. Story Source kamagra gold online.

Materials provided by European Society of Cardiology. Note. Content may be edited for style and length.One in five patients die within a year after the most common type of heart attack. European Society of Cardiology (ESC) treatment guidelines for non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome are published online today in European Heart Journal, and on the ESC website.Chest pain is the most common symptom, along with pain radiating to one or both arms, the neck, or jaw.

Anyone experiencing these symptoms should call an ambulance immediately. Complications include potentially deadly heart rhythm disorders (arrhythmias), which are another reason to seek urgent medical help.Treatment is aimed at the underlying cause. The main reason is fatty deposits (atherosclerosis) that become surrounded by a blood clot, narrowing the arteries supplying blood to the heart. In these cases, patients should receive blood thinners and stents to restore blood flow.

For the first time, the guidelines recommend imaging to identify other causes such as a tear in a blood vessel leading to the heart.Regarding diagnosis, there is no distinguishing change on the electrocardiogram (ECG), which may be normal. The key step is measuring a chemical in the blood called troponin. When blood flow to the heart is decreased or blocked, heart cells die, and troponin levels rise. If levels are normal, the measurement should be repeated one hour later to rule out the diagnosis.

If elevated, hospital admission is recommended to further evaluate the severity of the disease and decide the treatment strategy.Given that the main cause is related to atherosclerosis, there is a high risk of recurrence, which can also be deadly. Patients should be prescribed blood thinners and lipid lowering therapies. "Equally important is a healthy lifestyle including smoking cessation, exercise, and a diet emphasising vegetables, fruits and whole grains while limiting saturated fat and alcohol," said Professor Jean-Philippe Collet, Chairperson of the guidelines Task Force and professor of cardiology, Sorbonne University, Paris, France.Behavioural change and adherence to medication are best achieved when patients are supported by a multidisciplinary team including cardiologists, general practitioners, nurses, dietitians, physiotherapists, psychologists, and pharmacists.The likelihood of triggering another heart attack during sexual activity is low for most patients, and regular exercise decreases this risk. Healthcare providers should ask patients about sexual activity and offer advice and counselling.Annual influenza vaccination is recommended -- especially for patients aged 65 and over -- to prevent further heart attacks and increase longevity."Women should receive equal access to care, a prompt diagnosis, and treatments at the same rate and intensity as men," said Professor Holger Thiele, Chairperson of the guidelines Task Force and medical director, Department of Internal Medicine/Cardiology, Heart Centre Leipzig, Germany.

Story Source. Materials provided by European Society of Cardiology. Note. Content may be edited for style and length.Feeling angry these days?.

New research suggests that a good night of sleep may be just what you need.This program of research comprised an analysis of diaries and lab experiments. The researchers analyzed daily diary entries from 202 college students, who tracked their sleep, daily stressors, and anger over one month. Preliminary results show that individuals reported experiencing more anger on days following less sleep than usual for them.The research team also conducted a lab experiment involving 147 community residents. Participants were randomly assigned either to maintain their regular sleep schedule or to restrict their sleep at home by about five hours across two nights.

Following this manipulation, anger was assessed during exposure to irritating noise.The experiment found that well-slept individuals adapted to noise and reported less anger after two days. In contrast, sleep-restricted individuals exhibited higher and increased anger in response to aversive noise, suggesting that losing sleep undermined emotional adaptation to frustrating circumstance. Subjective sleepiness accounted for most of the experimental effect of sleep loss on anger. A related experiment in which individuals reported anger following an online competitive game found similar results."The results are important because they provide strong causal evidence that sleep restriction increases anger and increases frustration over time," said Zlatan Krizan, who has a doctorate in personality and social psychology and is a professor of psychology at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa.

"Moreover, the results from the daily diary study suggest such effects translate to everyday life, as young adults reported more anger in the afternoon on days they slept less."The authors noted that the findings highlight the importance of considering specific emotional reactions such as anger and their regulation in the context of sleep disruption. Story Source. Materials provided by American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Note.

Content may be edited for style and length.Overcoming the nation's opioid epidemic will require clinicians to look beyond opioids, new research from Oregon Health &. Science University suggests.The study reveals that among patients who participated in an in-hospital addiction medicine intervention at OHSU, three-quarters came into the hospital using more than one substance. Overall, participants used fewer substances in the months after working with the hospital-based addictions team than before.The study published in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment."We found that polysubstance use is the norm," said lead author Caroline King, M.P.H., a health systems researcher and current M.D./Ph.D. Student in the OHSU School of Medicine's biomedical engineering program.

"This is important because we may need to offer additional support to patients using multiple drugs. If someone with opioid use disorder also uses alcohol or methamphetamines, we miss caring for the whole person by focusing only on their opioid use."About 40% of participants reported they had abstained from using at least one substance at least a month after discharge -- a measure of success that isn't typically tracked in health system record-keeping.Researchers enrolled 486 people seen by an addiction medicine consult service while hospitalized at OHSU Hospital between 2015 and 2018, surveying them early during their stay in the hospital and then again 30 to 90 days after discharge. advertisement Treatment of opioid use disorder can involve medication such as buprenorphine, or Suboxone, which normalizes brain function by acting on the same target in the brain as prescription opioids or heroin.However, focusing only on the opioid addiction may not adequately address the complexity of each patient."Methamphetamine use in many parts of the U.S., including Oregon, is prominent right now," said senior author Honora Englander, M.D., associate professor of medicine (hospital medicine) in the OHSU School of Medicine. "If people are using stimulants and opioids -- and we only talk about their opioid use -- there are independent harms from stimulant use combined with opioids.

People may be using methamphetamines for different reasons than they use opioids."Englander leads the in-hospital addiction service, known as Project IMPACT, or Improving Addiction Care Team.The initiative brings together physicians, social workers, peer-recovery mentors and community addiction providers to address addiction when patients are admitted to the hospital. Since its inception in 2015, the program has served more than 1,950 people hospitalized at OHSU.The national opioid epidemic spiraled out of control following widespread prescribing of powerful pain medications beginning in the 1990s. Since then, it has often been viewed as a public health crisis afflicting rural, suburban and affluent communities that are largely white.Englander said the new study suggests that a singular focus on opioids may cause clinicians to overlook complexity of issues facing many populations, including people of color, who may also use other substances."Centering on opioids centers on whiteness," Englander said. "Understanding the complexity of people's substance use patterns is really important to honoring their experience and developing systems that support their needs."Researchers say the finding further reinforces earlier research showing that hospitalization is an important time to offer treatment to people with substance use disorder, even if they are not seeking treatment for addiction when they come to the hospital.

Story Source. Materials provided by Oregon Health &. Science University. Original written by Erik Robinson.

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